Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Raffle Tickets

I am selling raffle tickets for $5. The raffle is for a custom 8x10 charcoal drawing of a photo of the winner's choice. Drawn by me!
The cut off date will be April 30th...and a winner will be randomly selected. If you would like in on this raffle let me know. Even via internet you can enter. Tell your friends. This raffle is to raise funds for the Great Strides Walk.

For those that don't know the Great Strides Walk is a national fundraising event to raise money and awareness for the cystic fibrosis foundation. They are the leading foundation in funding research for drugs, therapies and working on a cure - someday.

Monday, April 5, 2010

New Font

So I found a new font for letters. These would be $7 a letter.