Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rain Rain, please come again some day!

We have been blessed recently with some rain. It hasn't been a lot of rain, but around here we will take anything. The weather is also cooling off slowly, but the evening nights are becoming beautiful. I can actually open the windows and enjoy a nice breeze and fresh air. Thank you Lord for bringing us this much needed rain and cooler days.

This isn't the best picture, but I enjoyed sitting on the porch while the rain trickled down for a little while. Made me so thankful and it was so peaceful.

Hannah was enjoying the rain too.

Since the summer was so brutal my flower gardens suffered. No new plants this year, and a lot of the ones already there have died, crossing my fingers some roots are still alive and will come back. With the recent rain the rose bushes have perked up, and I even had a surprise in my front garden. I always forget it's there but it brings a smile on my face every time it blooms. It's always a surprise because where it is planted, it is hidden under other plants so it only is seen once it blooms. It has a special place in my heart because my Grandmother gave it to me...and she is just like me she always forgets she has this particular plant until it surprises her.

It's a spider lily.

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