Sunday, February 26, 2012

My first creative arts show, and a nice surprise.

So I mentioned I was entering a few things in the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Creative Arts fair.

This was my first time ever entering anything. So I entered a little bit of everything I do, a painting, two drawings, and two photos.

Can you believe my surprise when I learned I placed. I got two 4th places!

Here they are:

My Iris oil painting. I love this picture. I am not used to bragging on myself, but this just got me so excited. Can you believe this was only my second oil painting ever?!? I love oil painting. Although it is very time consuming.

This is Lexi, isn't she a cutie! I drew her and her siblings for Christmas, their mama's present from daddy.

So today I went to pick up my entries. I was told that everyone loved my painting and my drawings and the judges had a hard time picking. Especially between the two drawings I did. Apparently it was a very tough decision for the judges and they took a long time to pick lol. Good for me I guess LOL

Then I went to pick up my photos and got a really nice surprise. I WON FIRST!

This is the photo that won first in its category:

HOW COOL IS THAT! I'm so excited! haha

Look at that ribbon! lol I'm such a dork.

Here are the other things I entered just incase you were curious:

Anyway I just wanted to share my excitement!

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